Exercise and Fitness

NordicTrack Treadmill Features

nordictrack treadmill

NordicTrack treadmills come with a variety of features that make them suitable for different types of exercisers. They also offer competitive warranties that cover labor for one year and parts for two years.

Similar to Peloton, NordicTrack treadmills use iFit technology to stream live and pre-recorded workouts. However, unlike Peloton, you do not have to pay a monthly subscription to get access to the workouts.


If you’re an avid runner or even just a casual exerciser, one of the best things about nordictrack treadmills is their compatibility with iFit. With iFit, you can access an endless library of personalized workouts that are designed to challenge you in new and exciting ways. You’ll find a wide variety of classes that include cross training, HIIT, studio biking, power training, kickboxing, and race preparation.

You can also create your own workout using the iFit app, which includes time-, distance-, and map-based programs. It’s easy to set up and use, too!

The Commercial 1750 is a nordictrack treadmill that comes with the ability to connect to iFit. Its 3.5 CHP motor can handle incline levels of up to 15% and speeds of up to 12mph. It folds using its SpaceSaver design, allowing you to quickly tuck it away when not in use. Almost everything you need to get started is included with the machine, though some assembly will be required.

Impact-Reducing Cushioning

Treadmill cushioning helps dissipate the crushing force that your body sends to the deck with each step. Without it, your knees and back will feel sore after a long workout. Some treadmills come with a shock absorption system that reduces the impact by up to 33%. For instance, Smooth Fitness uses a Hydra Adjustable Suspension to provide soft landings for the front foot and firm push-off for the rear foot.

A spacious running deck also minimizes the impact on your legs and joints. Some models come with a large HD touchscreen that displays pre-programmed workouts and training metrics. They may also support iFit live speed and incline control.

Another feature to consider is the track width. A wider track can accommodate a larger runner and offer greater stability. Some brands use a wide, multi-ply treadbelt that is more durable than other types. It is important to choose a track that matches the type of workout you plan to do.

Durable Motor

The motor in nordictrack treadmills is designed to be durable and can withstand heavy use. They also come with a warranty that covers labor for one year, parts for two years and the frame for a decade.

Nordictrack’s treadmills are known for offering a lot of features, even their lowest-priced models like the T series (T6.5 Si). While this model lacks some advanced capabilities like a large screen and the ability to create your own training routes it’s still a great choice for walkers and joggers. Its 2.6 CHP motor is more than enough to power light use, and its Reflex DeckTM technology absorbs the impact of your stride and springs back to help reduce the stress on your joints.

This model comes with a free one-year subscription to iFit, which provides live and on-demand workout classes, plus it has more pre-programmed workouts than other treadmills in its price range. However, the small touchscreen could be a problem for some users with vision problems.

Large Tread Deck

Nordictrack’s X22i incline treadmill stands out among other brands of home exercise equipment because it has an expansive incline range. You can use this feature to replicate outdoor terrain and mimic walking or running up hills, which helps you build endurance, burn calories, and achieve your fitness goals.

It also comes with a 22-in tilt and pivot HD touch screen to stream on-demand video workouts. This high-end model is also equipped with automatic trainer control, built-in speakers, Bluetooth connectivity, and RunnersFlex cushioning.

Another option is the Commercial 2450 treadmill, which has a smaller display and fewer incline and decline levels but still offers many other special features. For instance, it includes a reversible deck that doubles its life expectancy and AutoAdjust technology, which automatically adjusts your treadmill’s speed and incline settings to match the trainer’s cues during classes. It also has a robust motor and a large running deck that makes it more suitable for intense cardio workouts.