Exercise and Fitness

Buying a NordicTrack Treadmill

If you’re a runner or hiker planning to ramp up your workout intensity, you’ll want to make sure any treadmill you consider has decent incline capabilities. And, if you plan to take iFIT classes, you’ll want one that offers a wide range of programming.

Fortunately, NordicTrack is known for their impressive and engaging workout programming. This includes iFIT, which features both virtual run workouts on Google Maps and studio classes.

EasyLift Assist

NordicTrack is a leading treadmill manufacturer that offers iFit technology on many of its machines. The app provides thousands of interactive workouts that help you achieve your fitness goals. These workouts include outdoor runs, studio classes and a range of other virtual training programs. Some treadmills also feature Quiet Drive Incline Technology and a large touchscreen console.

The NordicTrack Commercial 1750 is a good choice for runners who want to build endurance and improve their speed. It has a powerful motor, FlexSelect deck cushioning and 10% OneTouch incline control to simulate hill training and target different muscle groups. It is a large machine with dimensions over six-and-a-half feet long and three feet wide. However, it folds with its SpaceSaver design and EasyLift assist for convenient storage.

iFit Technology

The iFit technology, which is included in most Nordictrack models, helps you make the most of your treadmill experience. It offers thousands of interactive workouts and even live studio classes. The app works like your own personal fitness coach as you train.

Whether you’re running in the mountains or Costa Rica, the iFit technology will help you get the most out of your treadmill. It will adjust your speed and incline as you go through different workouts, helping you burn more calories and build endurance.

In addition to iFit, Nordictrack’s Commercial 1750 treadmill features a thick cushioning deck and a powerful motor. It also comes with a lifetime frame warranty, a 10-year motor warranty, and two-year parts and labor warranty. It is a good choice for people who want to lose weight or tone their muscles, as the deck is able to reduce impact on joints by up to 20%.

Adjustable Cushioning

In addition to its smart-response motor and flexible deck cushioning, this treadmill has a space-saving design that allows for compact storage. It also comes with a 30-day iFit membership that allows you to stream live and on-demand workouts, including global workouts and studio classes. This interactive training experience can help you achieve your fitness goals more quickly and effectively.

The FlexSelect deck cushioning on this NordicTrack treadmill can reduce the impact on your joints by up to a third. It can also be adjusted to accommodate different exercise levels. This feature is ideal for runners and athletes who want to replicate the feel of running on varying surfaces.

Regular cardiovascular exercise helps to burn calories, boost metabolism, and improve heart and lung function. It can also aid in weight loss, especially when combined with a healthy diet.


A person who wants to purchase a NordicTrack treadmill may have questions about the durability of the machine. However, recent reviews indicate that the company has improved its build quality and this is reflected in the warranties that are offered. The frames of their treadmills are covered for life and the motors are covered for 10 years.

Most of the brand’s treadmills allow a person to change their speed and incline with the touch of a button. The EXP 10i, for example, has a 10-in HD Smart touchscreen and AutoBreeze workout fans that keep a person cool while they work out. This model also features FlexSelect cushioning for a more comfortable workout.

Some models also feature a SpaceSaver design and Easylift assist, making them ideal for small spaces. They also include an entertainment port and dual 2-inch speakers to provide a soundtrack during your workouts.


Treadmill safety is a crucial factor in buying the right piece of equipment. Most treadmills have a safety key that shuts down the electrical flow when pulled. This is a vital feature that prevents slips and falls on the machine that could lead to broken bones, sprains, cuts, or blunt trauma injuries.

While there are YouTube workarounds to bypass treadmill safety keys, this is a bad idea and sets you up for potential disaster. It also violates the warranty and sets you up for expensive repair costs.