Exercise and Fitness

NordicTrack Elliptical Review

nordictrack elliptical

The elliptical is an excellent choice for people who want to work out at home without sacrificing the flexibility of their regular workout routines. Its built-in heart rate monitor automatically adjusts resistance based on your target heart rate zone.

All NordicTrack ellipticals are compatible with iFit, which offers interactive personal training. You can follow along to live studio classes and on-demand workouts that take you around the world.

Ease of Use

A personalized elliptical workout plan can take your recovery day exercise to the next level and help you reach new fitness goals. By setting actionable goals that feel within reach, you’ll see visible progress and feel motivated to keep going.

NordicTrack’s ellipticals are top-rated by Consumer Reports and come with a free 30-day family membership to iFit. This interactive training platform offers trainer-led routines, virtual studio classes, and on-demand workouts. You can also connect with other users through the community and participate in group challenges.

The Commercial 12.9 is a front-drive elliptical that’s sturdy and heavy, with a 350-pound weight capacity. It features a 10” touchscreen that displays on-demand workouts and trainers that adjust incline and resistance to mimic trekking outside terrain. The machine’s incline settings include a 20% grade and its motor is engineered for quiet performance. This is a great elliptical for people who are short on space and prefer a low-impact form of cardio.


This elliptical comes with 35 built-in workouts, all of which are designed by trainers to optimize your calorie burn and performance. It also offers incline training and heart rate monitoring. You can use the iFit app to create your own routes or follow a virtual class led by an instructor. The Commercial 12.9’s resistance and incline adjust automatically during these classes, but you can also control them manually.

Nordictrack ellipticals offer an incredible interactive personal training experience that gives you the push you need to reach your fitness goals. The SpaceSaver design makes it easier to fold and store the machines while the 14-inch touchscreen monitor gives you a more immersive exercise experience. Most models also come with a 30-day free trial of iFit, which lets you enjoy world-class trainers adjusting your incline and resistance levels to create an exciting workout. The iFit workouts also help you keep track of your progress and eliminate cardio boredom.


If you’re looking for a NordicTrack elliptical with premium features, you should consider the FreeStride Trainer FS14i. This elliptical has 22 resistance levels and an auto-adjustable stride length. It also has a 7-inch smart HD touchscreen and a workout fan.

Many of the ellipticals from NordicTrack come with a variety of preset workout programs, tablet holders and built-in speakers. They also feature an incline ramp that is automatically adjusted by the onboard workout programs. This makes them ideal for people who don’t want to take the time to adjust the ramp themselves.

Nordictrack ellipticals are easy to use and offer high-quality components. They are also backed by an excellent trial period and warranty. The company’s top-of-the-line elliptical, the Commercial 14.9, comes with a 14-inch touchscreen and 26 digitally controlled incline settings. The machine also includes a 30-day free membership to iFit, which opens up a library of on-demand workouts and interactive personal training. The touchscreen lets you browse iFit, view your workout metrics and control the elliptical’s settings from a single screen. The elliptical also has dual CardioGrip heart rate sensors in the handles.


Although NordicTrack ellipticals are among the top choices for home fitness equipment, even the best models need repairs. A buyer should consider protecting their investment with an extended warranty, which can save money on repair costs and replacements.

A standard manufacturer’s warranty includes a lifetime frame and motor guarantee, as well as one year of parts and labor. The company also offers a premier warranty, which covers the same components as the standard warranty and adds an annual in-home maintenance service. It can be transferred to a new owner if the original purchaser sells the unit.

Consumer Report rated NordicTrack’s C 9.5 elliptical as the best elliptical for 2021, thanks to its extensive set of features and high-quality construction. The machine has a built-in heart rate monitor and iFit, which provides live classes, music, workouts, and fitness tours of popular destinations. A user can also download additional apps and connect their device to track progress on their exercise goals.