Exercise and Fitness

Buying a NordicTrack Treadmill

nordictrack treadmill

Designed to keep you engaged, NordicTrack treadmills are built with HD touch screens and iFit interactive workout programs. iFit connects you with studio-style classes, virtual outdoor hikes and runs around the world, and much more.

This series has a 22-inch or 32-inch incline elevation option that allows you to simulate running up hills. It also offers a negative 6% decline and other advanced features.


Like other connected treadmills from fitness equipment producers, Nordic Track models require a subscription to use their full suite of features. The service is called iFit, and you can get a free month trial with your purchase of a NordicTrack treadmill, then it’ll cost around $39/month for a family plan or $180/year for the single-profile version.

One of the things we really like about this model is the tight integration with iFit running, walking and hiking workout content that allows trainers to live-control your deck’s speed and incline. This feature is called AutoAdjust, and we found it very motivating to run on the treadmill while being led by a trainer.

Other features include a 14-in HD smart touchscreen console, 3.0 CHP motor that supports speeds up to 12 mph, RunnersFlex cushioning deck and a space saving design. It’s quiet, which may be beneficial to people living in apartments or those who are worried about disturbing their neighbors while working out at home.


NordicTrack treadmills often have a space-saving design that allows them to fit into smaller spaces. Their compact models may also have a foldable feature, which is ideal for people with limited storage. Some of the company’s treadmills offer incline levels up to 40%, which can help people burn more calories. They may also include RunnersFlex cushioning to reduce stress on the joints.

These features can make the equipment more expensive than other treadmills, but they can help people stay motivated and achieve their fitness goals. They also come with iFit technology, which provides users with access to a wide range of workouts and content.

NordicTrack’s most expensive models include a 22-in HD rotating touchscreen that allows people to stream iFit classes. These machines also have Auto Adjustment and Quick One-Touch controls for changing the speed and incline. Some models even feature a built-in AutoBreeze workout fan to keep people cool during their workouts. However, some of these treadmills lack a leaderboard, which may be an important factor for some people.


The motor of a treadmill is a powerful component that drives the belt to help you achieve your workout goals. It is important to be aware of warning signs that the motor may be beginning to wear out, including overheating, strange smells, belt jams, dysfunctional speed and incline controls, and sparks. If you notice any of these signs, calling the manufacturer with your treadmill make and model number will likely walk you through troubleshooting tips specific to your equipment and help you place an order for a replacement motor that is guaranteed to work with your treadmill.

You may also need to recalibrate your treadmill if the incline function isn’t working properly. This involves moving your treadmill from the highest to the lowest incline setting and back again, essentially resetting the incline function’s upper and lower limits. Be sure to unplug your treadmill and keep curious children and pets away during calibration. This process can take up to 30 minutes.


The Commercial X32i is the biggest and baddest treadmill that NordicTrack offers for home use. It features a huge HD touchscreen console and a powerful 4.25 CHP motor that can reach incline levels up to 40%, plus unlimited instructor-led workouts via iFit. It also has one of the largest running surfaces out there and comes with a lifetime frame and motor warranty.

However, this treadmill is not without its drawbacks. For example, it takes up a lot of floor space (and is very heavy). Also, the assembly process can be time-consuming and requires some muscle.

A good treadmill warranty can save you a lot of money if something goes wrong with your machine. However, it’s important to understand what each warranty covers. Some warranties cover only the frame and motor while others cover the parts, electronics, and labor. It is important to know which type of warranty you are buying before making a purchase. Each manufacturer offers a different warranty, so it’s worth doing your research.